E komo mai, aloha kakou!
Welcome to SoCal’s place to reconnect with the Spirit of Aloha!
Reconnecting Hawaiians and Hawaiians at heart with the Spirit of Aloha!
Sandwich Islands Social Network produces media content and live events that entertain, educate and inform the Southern California community.
We seek to embody and establish the presence of “Aloha” in all of our social activities… and to create an environment of caring, sharing and support for all members within our global village of cultural diversity.
Malama Lahaina.
Please support the efforts to restore, revive and relieve the community of Lahaina, Maui.
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Featured Events
Gratitude: The Spirit of Mahalo
Our Fall Issue’s theme of Gratitude had special meaning to the multiple Grammy Award winning master slack key guitarist, host of the longest-running concert series featuring Hawaiian musicians, and Hawaiʻi’s Renaissance Man... Uncle George Kahumoku, Jr.
In this issue:
*From Grief to Gratitude
*The Journey of Auntie Maileʻs Restaurant
*Gratitude with Attitude
*Auntie Geri Scholarship Opportunity
*A letter from our new Editor
*Upcoming events and shows
Read the Latest MĀLAMA
Find Hawai‘i Here…
Make a one-time, tax deductible donation to Sandwich Islands and help reconnect people with Aloha!… Mahalo
Check us out on YouTube
Join the SISN Ohana
Get to know us through upcoming events, our podcast, eZine or other things we dream up of! Sign-up for Mālama or become a sustainable member & enjoy special access to shows, concerts and events!
Find Vintage Hawaiian Vinyl !
We have been blessed with an amazing library of vintage vinyl Hawaiian music from the personal collection of Michael and Maryann Cord. Michael collected and cherished vintage Hawaiian music. He carefully stored and nourished his growing catalog of vinyl over the years. Maryann in memory of her beloved husband has donated a portion of his library in his memory to the Sandwich Islands Social Network.
Now you can own some rare and out of print vinyl now available online at our Discog store right here!