About Us


E Komo Mai

Sandwich Islands Social Network is a group of dedicated volunteers serving to reconnect Hawaiians and Hawaiians at heart with the spirit of Aloha. We produce media content and live events that entertain, educate and inform the Southern California community.

SISN seeks to embody and establish the presence of “Aloha” within all of our social activities, and to create an environment of caring, sharing and support for all members within our global village of cultural diversity.

Kamaka Brown

Kamaka Brown
President, Founder, Creative Director

Advisory Board:
Dan Lagronio
Kimo Williams
Eric Yamaguchi
Catherine Bauknight

Executive Producers:
Abella Leialoha Carroll
Kahiau Clarke
Kaye Bennett
Lono Archambault

Content Contributors:
Pualilia Hanamaika’i
Joy Puʻuwai Pilo Alberto Dodge
Kehau Jackson
Stanley Gomes Jr


Cord International
Ho’oilina Foundation
Ohana Ukuleles
Reezen Scene eyewear



Awarded to Sandwich Islands own Kamaka Brown for his devoted and unselfish contribution in perpetuating goodwill and cultural achievements among the Hawaiian community in the state of California. Presented by the Orange County Kamaʻaina club May 7, 2022:
